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What Illumenates You?


“We are the first health bar in this Planetary Biosphere to be cross-pollinated and inspired by ancient to modern modalities of healing .. consciously extracting nutrients from nature and distilling them into an abundance of nectarous offerings.”


As we continue to evolve as a natural lifestyle brand, our intentional growth consistently aligns with our mission. Cross pollination reappears throughout our business model, because shifting the paradigm to a healthier mind, body and planet is a communal effort. Like nature, cross pollination promotes diversity. Food as medicine is not a one size fits all approach: different healing modalities are required at different times and for different people. Our latest cross pollination is the intersection of liquid life force with medicinal hemp juice and functional foods: Lumen.

To give you a little back story, Lumen transpired from a working relationship between Jacob Freepons and our founder, Gia. These two guided the renovations of our Healdsburg location. In the dust filled, deliriously long work days, Jacob vocalized his desire to share the healing qualities of hemp juice. Conversations led to formulating cold-pressed juices that included hemp. This new form of food as medicine deeply resonated with Gia. Jacob and Gia presented their formulations at New York’s Food Tech Connect. The juice was a hit! Some months afterward, the team grew in size to include co-founders Kris Taylor and Yasir Hashim, agricultural partner Chris Jagger, and a talented group of advisors. Research and development shifted the product from full-sized juices to functional shots. Everything was beginning to fall into place, with the exception of the right name. Gia suggested Lumen, with the word's connection to beekeeping and The Nectary. Lumen officially launched in early 2018.

Lumen/ˈlo͞omən/ noun

"A point where the light emerges from the earth and extends

out to the heavens. It is where a virgin queen bee, as she mates

with the drones, comes into understanding of her role and

delivers her message to the heavens."

(Song of Increase by Jacqueline Freeman)

Over the years, food as medicine has presented itself in different modalities, from raw, vegan food to healing bone broth and now, medicinal hemp juice. Lumen truly delivers a farm to bottle regeneratively-grown hemp elixir. The functional ingredients offer relaxation, immune support and anti-inflammatory effects. You’ll be surprised at the myriad of benefits from a handful of plant ingredients.

Restore Elixir

Hemp juice

Hemp juice is derived from cold-pressing the upper parts and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. This juice is drug-free and non-psychoactive. Hemp juice brings out the adaptogenic properties of the plant. Hemp is an ancient superfood that's been used in multiple civilizations for millennia to help the body find homeostasis. Our body constantly wants to maintain this state of balance. Proving balance and homeostasis involves physiological processes, such as appetite, pain sensation and mood. Hemp juice provides full spectrum nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and antioxidants. Put simply, hemp can be used to obtain the medical and nutritional benefits of the cannabis plant without the marijuana "high".

Coconut water

Coconut water is filled with hydrating electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Alongside hydration, coconut water contains vitamin C, fiber and carbohydrates.


Ashwagandha, an important Ayurvedic herb, contains a long list of therapeutic uses from strengthening the immune system to reducing stress to increasing vigor and strength.


For plant-based consumers, spirulina is an excellent source of iron. Spirulina contains all amino acids, deeming it a complete protein. Research points toward antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune responses, alongside reducing allergies and improving blood lipid levels.


Moringa contains a wide range of bio-available nutrients, antioxidants, minerals & high levels of vitamins B, C, D, and E. This “miracle herb” helps promote sound sleep, anxiety relief and digestive strength.

Immunity Elixir

Hemp juice

Hemp juice is derived from cold-pressing the upper parts and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. This juice is drug-free and non-psychoactive. Hemp juice brings out the adaptogenic properties of the plant. Hemp is an ancient superfood that's been used in multiple civilizations for millennia to help the body find homeostasis. Our body constantly wants to maintain this state of balance. Proving balance and homeostasis involves physiological processes, such as appetite, pain sensation and mood. Hemp juice provides full spectrum nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and antioxidants. Put simply, hemp can be used to obtain the medical and nutritional benefits of the cannabis plant without the marijuana "high".

Orange Juice

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, B vitamins and antioxidants, which help fight free radicals in the body.

Turmeric juice

This powerful herb is an antioxidant and anticancer agent. It exhibits anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal effects. It is used in treatment for a wide range of diseases and disorders, including pain, inflammatory bowel disease, and loss of appetite. Ayurvedic practices believe turmeric increases the overall energy of the body.

Ginger juice

The therapeutic benefits of ginger are wide ranging, including its use for motion sickness, diarrhea, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, and morning sickness. Ginger has also been used in the treatment of arthritis, appetite regulation, headaches and respiratory ailments.

Amla extract

The Indian Gooseberry packs a powerful vitamin C punch, helps restore mucous membranes and aids in digestive health. Amla is highly regarded in Ayurvedic medicine as a cooling pitta herb and is one of the three fruits in Triphala.

Curcumin Extract & Black Pepper Extract

Curcumin is believed to be one of the most active compounds in turmeric; thus, contributing to its anti-inflammatory effects. The one downside to curcumin is its low bioavailability within the human body. It is poorly absorbed and rapidly metabolized and excreted. Often times, turmeric is paired with black pepper. One of the major components of black pepper, piperine binds to curcumin forming a curcumin complex. This complex becomes more readily available to the body for absorption and use. In fact, piperine is associated with a 2000% increase in the bioavailability of curcumin.

The benefits of Lumen transcend the retail shelves. Current farming practices release toxic waste products into the air, that find their way into our food and our bodies. Lumen’s hemp is produced using regenerative farming. This holistic agricultural approach focuses on increasing biodiversity, enriching soils, improving watersheds and nurturing ecosystems. As the health of the soil increases, its effects are systemic. Healthy soil improves personal and public health, food and water security, and climate change. Organic farming maintains status quo on environmental impact. Regenerative farming is beyond organic; it’s restorative. Lumen recognizes the global health crisis stems from toxic farming practices. Through regenerative agriculture and hemp as a functional food, they bring health to our planet and our bodies. If you are interested in learning more about the regenerative cycle, follow this link to Lumen's infographic.

Whether you’re seeking relaxation, immune support or pain relief, allow Lumen to help find what illumenates you. To make these elixirs available for the everyday person, Lumen has opened a crowdfunding campaign. These funds will allow them to reach a production volume that drives down cost and provides healing to everyone. With one week left, let’s help them get fully funded! Visit their crowdfunding page here. Your generosity is an investment in a healthier body, a conscious economy and a brighter future for all.

In Good Health,

The Nectary


Disclaimer: The information presented in this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. The Nectary does not provide medical advice or treatment nor it is a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider before consuming anything mentioned within these posts.

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